Track Expansion in Luxemburg

High & Safe
Track Expansion in Luxemburg

The original single rail track of line 30 close to Sandweiler is being doubled.
The second line has been completely built and only the signals and peripherals still have to be installed.

In order to safely complete these works,  client CFL (Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeous) decided to use the Rail Safety System.
The Rail Safety System is a physical barrier that can protect people next to a railway track in use. Thanks to the unique magnetic connection to the rail, it can be built and dismantled in a minimum of time.
HELI delivered 1500 meter of Rail Safety Fence last week.

The employees of the contractor (a consortium of LUX TP, Perrard, Baatz and Tralux) were assisted by our Account Manager during the first assemblage.
