Belgian Roof Day

Belgian Roof Day

In the spacious halls of Brussels Kart Expo (Groot-Bijgaarden), every professional from the roof sector can attend the tenth edition of Belgian Roof Day on 29 November 2019

Free access, free catering and more than 150 positions! Belgian Roof Day is and remains an unmissable event for everyone who wants to stay up-to-date with all the innovations in the sector.
In addition to the exhibition halls where you come into contact with the manufacturers, there is a lot more to experience during this networking event. In one of the tents next to the exhibition halls, about twenty young people and future roof workers give the best of themselves during the Belgian Championship of best Young roofer. This in the categories "flat roof", "sloping roof", "metal roof". Be sure to visit!

Finally, the roofers who successfully completed the 'Flat Roof Specialist' and 'Sloping Roof Specialist' courses are also in the spotlight and their certificate is officially handed over.

You can find us at booth 47 - Free tickets available here
